Our Farm

Where it all Began

Centered in the fertile Messinian Basin of Kalamata, Greece, a poor tenant farmer worked the land armed only with his shovel and the knowledge of cultivation that his father taught him. After years of saving what little he could, he finally was able to buy his first plot, hand-picked by him for its fertility. The trees on the land were naturally selected for quality and drought and disease resistance, requiring no fertilizers or pesticides. He worked the land and was able to feed his family. Slowly but surely, the farmer was able to expand his land, but only to the extent of what he could work by himself. He stayed within his means. He cultivated the olive trees, and they produced a wonderful unadulterated product. When it came time to harvest, his family would gather, and together they would hand-pick the olives from their trees. After a tedious process of picking, the family would bring their olives to the stone press and make a rich olive oil that would feed the family until the next harvest. This allowed the family and people of the day not only to survive, but to thrive.

Four generations later, having inherited those same lands and that same knowledge, we continue a precedent set by our great-great-grandfathers. We work the same trees, produce the same product in the same ways and always stay within our means. We only sell what we produce. Our olive oil is identical to what was created hundreds of years ago. Our single-origin unadulterated olive oil harvested by hand early in the season, ensures a rich color and flavor, high in antioxidants and nutrition. 


Having been taught the minor intricacies from our grandfathers, you can be sure that you are getting the finest product. Free from all artificial chemicals that may cause harm to your body, we only serve what we would give to our family. As such, we hope you enjoy the finest olive oil on the planet.